This is a concept that came to me a while ago,while facing my current life situation. It refers to the capacity, of not identifying oneself with past …
This is just a short overview, about what I am currently working on or want to do in the near future. Bringing Psychological type into Chinese I have …
In my previous post, I wrote about how discovering personality type gave me a way of looking at my life over the last years from a new perspective. In…
In the ideal, I have always known whom I wanted to be, at least since I started to take my own path. Every time I would sit down and write or ask myse…
Just when I felt confused, my brother suggested for me to take an MBTI test (I won't talk about this result until my next article, but maybe you can g…
In my previous post, I wrote about some external transformation. Here I want to shed light onto the underlying dynamics for changing one's beliefs, ba…
I grew up in a christian family, where prayer was more than a daily activity before meals. For many years, trusting in what the people around had told…